The TSO Combo is product of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, some members of the Beach Boogie Band felt it wasn’t safe to rehearse and play gigs. Three members of the BBB decided to find a way to still do what they love and create music.

     Steve Scarborough, Bill Snow and Les Thornton, found a way to rehearse virtually. They started out on Zoom and found it to be a little awkward due to delays between each other while performing. After trying several live streaming services, they found a program that seemed to work quite well.

     They decided to go back to their roots and started doing music from the Great American Songbook. That was going so well that they expanded out to doing some of the later pop music as well. Steve had been the lead vocalist for his Big Band called The Top Shel Orchestra. So with Bill on keyboards and Les on Sax, the decided to revive the Top Shelf Orchestra and created the TSO Combo.

     Steve recently was judging a Karaoke contest, and heard Jenn Tucy perform. Jenn recently had moved up to Jacksonville from the Tampa area and wasn't currently singing with any groups. So, he asked her if she would be interested in singing with a combo and she said yes. Jenn's beautiful, clear alto voice is amazing with her solos and a perfect match to do duets with Steve's baritone voice.